20 May – 22 May, 2025 Perth

Abstract submissions EXTENDED! Now closing on Sunday 6 October at midnight.


Over the past decade, the National Suicide Prevention Conference has established itself as the premier event on the suicide prevention calendar. The event presents a unique opportunity to bring together a diversity of voices in suicide prevention.

The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2025 will be held from Tuesday 20 May to Thursday 22 May 2025 at the Perth Convention Centre, Western Australia. The event will enable delegates to hear from keynote speakers and national leaders, participate in workshops and collaborate with peers.

Abstract Submission:

All abstracts must be submitted via the online portal: CLICK HERE

If you would like to present a paper or a poster or host a workshop or panel-style discussion at the National Suicide Prevention Conference, submitting an abstract is the first step.

All abstracts submitted for presentation at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2025 will be ‘blind’ reviewed by the Program Review Committee.

Open: Thursday 8 August 2024

Close: Sunday 6 October 2024 – midnight (Extended)

Any enquiries regarding the abstract submission process, please contact jess.y@asnevents.net.au

You are encouraged to align your abstract to the 2025 National Suicide Prevention Conference’s theme: “Together Towards Tomorrow”.

This theme captures the essence of hope and unity and sets a positive tone for addressing challenges and advancing solutions in suicide prevention. It focuses on progress, moving from past challenges to opportunities, motivating participants to think proactively about innovative solutions and advancements. It reinforces the importance of resilience and collective action, so we can work together to reduce the number of lives lost to suicide.

Potential topics include:

  • Lived Experience
  • Indigenous and First Nations
  • CALD and refugees
  • Workplace or Industry approaches
  • Men
  • Women
  • Young People
  • Older Australians
  • Rural and Remote
  • Trauma
  • Social determinants of health
  • Alcohol and other drugs
  • Postvention or Suicide Bereavement Support
  • Means Restriction
  • Training or Gatekeeper training
  • Data, Evidence and Translational Research
  • Policy or Government
  • Digital or E-Mental Health
  • Wellness
  • Leadership

When submitting an abstract for consideration by the Conference Program Committee, you are required to agree to the following conditions during the submission process:

  • The presenter (s) have reviewed the abstract guidelines when submitting an abstract
  • The presenter (s) will apply safe, inclusive, and non-stigmatising language when communicating about suicide
  • The presenter (s) will avoid discussion of method and location when communicating about suicide. If the presenter(s) identifies it is necessary to discuss details of the method and or location, please contact sharonb@suicidepreventionaust.org before submitting an abstract
  • The presentation will have an emphasis on and/or relevance to National Suicide Prevention Conference
  • Each presenter for accepted abstracts must confirm their participation and register before the specified date
  • Successful presentations must be presented by the submitting presenter(s)
  • Acceptance or otherwise is at the discretion of the conference committee and abstract reviewer decisions are final.

Presentation Types

There will be ample opportunity in concurrent sessions for a significant number of in-person presentations, pre-conference works and a poster display will be available throughout the National Suicide Prevention Conference.

Abstracts for presentation can include:

  • Oral presentation (max 20 mins presentation)
  • Poster
  • Symposia, panel, round table style presentation (max 55mins with a connecting topic or theme across multiple presenters)
  • Workshop or forum (max 3.5hrs)

The Conference Program Committee will review abstracts and determine the details of the concurrent sessions, and presentation types.

Successful presenters may be offered the presentation type of their choice either oral, symposia/panel style or workshop presentation.

Note: Unsuccessful presenters may be offered an alternative presentation type from their original submission.

Abstract Submission Process

All abstracts for consideration at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2025 are to be submitted via the online portal: CLICK HERE

  1. Contact Information(required)

Organisation / institution Position

This is the primary presenter and person with whom the conference secretariat will liaise regarding the status of this abstract.

Please ensure the information is correct. Note: co-presenters can be added in the abstract tab

After completing all contact information, please click save and continue and progress to abstract submission.

  1. Abstract Submission

Title of presentation

Provide a concise, descriptive title for your presentation that informs delegates of the topic. Max. 15 words

Presentation Type

Select your preferred presentation type from the list below. You can select any number of preferences.

•         Oral Presentation (max 20 mins)

•         Symposia, panel, roundtable discussion (max 55mins)

•         Workshop or forum (max 3.5hrs)

•         Poster Presentation

Interactive session/Audience participation

  •   Yes
  •   No


Enter the title of your abstract. Please type the title in sentence case (that is lowercase with only the first letter or the first word in capitals) and without any punctuation. A correctly formatted example follows: Title of my presentation for the conference.

Presenter (s) & Author (s) Affiliation

Type or cut and paste the text of your abstract/synopsis into the relevant field. Please ensure the abstract is no more than 400 words. (Does not include title, authoring or cited references)


Choose up to 3 additional topics for your abstract from the list provided

•         Lived Experience

•         Indigenous and First Nations

•         LGBTIQ+

•         CALD and refugees

•         Workplace or Industry approaches

•         Men

•         Women

•         Young People

•         Older Australians

•         Rural and Remote

•         Trauma

•         Social determinants of health

•         Alcohol and other drugs

•         Postvention or Suicide Bereavement Support

•         Means Restriction

•         Training or Gatekeeper training

•         Data, Evidence and Translational Research

•         Policy or Government

•         Digital or E-Mental Health

•         Wellness

•         Leadership

Presenting Author Bio

Enter the bio for the presenter (s) bio. Please note, that the maximum is 1000 words (less than 200 per presenter for multiple presenters).

Abstract Upload:

An abstract for consideration should be submitted online and should not exceed 400 words. Your abstract submission should provide a concise overview of your presentation.

  • Author names should not appear on the abstract itself; all abstracts will go through a ‘blind’ selection process, with no reference to the author or co-presenter.

High-quality abstracts considered for presentation will include:

  • Relevance/importance to National Suicide Prevention Conference audience: The abstract for the presentation will have an emphasis on and/or relevance to current suicide prevention/postvention in Australia (i.e., it is a paper for this conference, not another).
  • Conference theme and topics: The abstract will offer something of significant interest or highlight current research relating to the conference theme.
  • Inclusion of Lived Experience: The abstract demonstrates meaningful incorporation of lived or living experiences of suicidal behaviour or the appropriateness of justification as to why the inclusion of lived experience is not possible or applicable.
  • Technical quality: The standard of the abstract is of high quality and relevant to the presentation mode.
  • Safe language: The abstract demonstrates the use of safe, inclusive, and non-stigmatising language when communicating about suicide.

Before submitting your abstract for consideration, please review your submission and make any necessary changes

When all mandatory components are completed, you will have the option to submit your abstract at the bottom of the ‘submit’ page.

If there are any remaining fields or sections to complete you will only have the option to save your submission as a draft until they are completed. Please complete all necessary fields and submit your abstract for review.

Successful Abstracts

Following a blind-review process, presenters will be contacted about the outcome of their abstract. Successful presenters will need to confirm and register for the conference by 23 February 2025.

Abstract Timeline

8 August 2024 The call for abstracts opens
6 October 2024 – Midnight (Extended) Call for abstracts closes
December 2024 Presenters are notified of their abstract outcomes
20 May 2025 National Suicide Prevention Conference 2025

Any enquiries regarding the abstract submission process, please contact jess.y@asnevents.net.au