Dr Miriam Posselt
Dr Miriam Posselt of the University of South Australia was awarded $100,000 for their Innovation Research Grant project titled:
Suicide Prevention Tools for Use With Asylum Seekers and Refugees.
Refugees and asylum seekers face unique challenges that place them at increased risk of mental health problems, and suicidal ideation and behaviour. Torture and trauma history, separation from family, social isolation, loss, and post-arrival stressors all have the potential to increase risk of suicide. The proposed research seeks to develop new knowledge by answering two key research questions:
- What risk and protective factors related to suicidal ideation and behaviour exist for individuals who have come to Australia as refugees and asylum seekers?
- Does a culturally adapted safety planning intervention that is co-designed with refugee community members and those with lived experience assist in reducing suicidal ideation and behaviour among refugees and asylum seekers in Australia?
In a statement, Dr Posselt explains:
“Receiving the research grant is so important because we are concerned about suicidal ideation and behaviour among refugees and asylum seekers in Australia and because there is a lack of research looking at how best to respond when refugees and asylum seekers are experiencing suicidal distress. This grant will enable us to increase our knowledge and understanding of suicidal distress for this group.
Our research will involve working alongside community members, service providers and individuals who have lived expertise of suicide, to co-create, implement and evaluate a culturally appropriate suicide prevention intervention that will also be translated into key languages, named the Refugee and Asylum Seeker Safety Planning Intervention (RASSPI).”
For more information on the funding opportunities available through the Suicide Prevention Research Fund please visit this page.
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